iDid you know that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime? That's why it's important to begin annual mammogram screenings at age 40.
Regular mammograms are essential to early detection and the fight against breast cancer. 事实上,在早期发现的情况下,乳腺癌的五年存活率是100%.
At Highpoint Health with Ascension Saint Thomas, your breast health is important to us. 我们的护理人员使用最新的技术-如3D乳房x光检查-在舒适和温馨的环境中帮助您保持健康,并让您安心,因为知道并做好了准备.
Highpoint Imaging for Women和Highpoint Health - 河景的乳房x光检查服务拥有符合美国卫生和人类服务部《澳门银河网上官方赌场》的有效证书, 美国食品药品监督管理局, and is accredited by the American College of Radiology.
数字乳房x光检查 provides new benefits to both patients and radiologist. 这些好处包括:
一如既往地, 您应该咨询您的个人初级保健医生,以确定最适合您的筛查类型和频率. 如果你需要初级保健医生,请打电话给我们 800.424.文档(3627) 我们会给你安排合适的护理.
Highpoint Health - 河景 with Ascension圣托马斯与史密斯县帮助中心合作. Komen to offer free screening mammograms to women who meet the following criteria:
欲了解更多信息,请致电 615.735.5300.
Women 20 years and older should perform breast self-examination monthly. |
Women 20-40 years should have a physical examination of their breasts every three years. |
35-40岁的女性应该做基线乳房x光检查. |
Women 40 years or over should have annual screening mammograms. |
您的医疗保健提供者可以帮助您决定是否需要进行2D或低剂量3D乳房x光检查. A physician's order may, or may not, be required for a mammogram this may vary. 如果需要额外的乳房成像, 乳房超声检查, breast MRI or breast biopsy services are also available. You can count on our staff to greet you in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
Talk with your doctor about your family history, areas of concern, and breast cancer risk. 你可能需要做基因测试. 就能越早发现任何形式的乳腺癌, the greater the likelihood that treatment will be successful.
3D乳房x光检查遵循的基本程序与你可能习惯的常规2D数字乳房x光检查相同. 3D只会多持续几秒钟, 稍微延长你可能感到的轻微不适的时间以及所有形式的数字乳房x光检查所涉及的低风险辐射暴露.
One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. The sooner breast cancer is identified, the easier it is to treat. When it’s detected early, breast cancer has a five-year survival rate of 100%. Mammograms can detect breast cancer even before symptoms appear.
Annual mammograms are recommended for all women ages 40 and older. 如果你不到40岁,但根据你的家族史或健康背景,你患乳腺癌的风险很高, 你可能需要在更早的年龄开始筛查. Talk with your doctor about what screening schedule is best for you.
3D乳房x光检查生成的更完整、更准确的乳房图像使我们能够比传统的2D乳房x光检查更早、更有效地发现乳腺癌, 这样我们就可以采取行动帮助你们.
虽然没有确定的方法来预防乳腺癌, there are steps you can take to help reduce your risk. 这些步骤包括:
许多女性推迟做第一次乳房x光检查,因为她们认为这会很痛苦,或者她们不想知道结果. And some just simply think they don't have enough time.
跟着卡莉做第一次乳房x光检查. 您将找到女性第一次做乳房x光检查时最常见问题的答案, 真实乳房x光检查的录像, 如果你在阿森松圣托马斯的Highpoint健康中心做乳房x光检查,你会得到很好的照顾.
Highpoint Health Imaging for Women with Ascension Saint Thomas
(615) 328-6500
Highpoint Health ——河景 with Ascension Saint Thomas
(615) 735-5300